Cosmetic Dentistry
Have your teeth lost their sparkle? With professional teeth whitening, you can have a stunning, star-quality smile. Teeth whitening is effective and safe for patients whose teeth have yellow, brown, or orange tinges due to age, food stains, heredity, or tobacco use. The simple procedure requires no anesthesia, and it’s perfectly safe. We can whiten your teeth professionally in an hour in office or we can make custom whitening trays for use at home.
If whitening can’t get your teeth as white as you’d like, veneers or bonding may be a good solution. These cosmetic dentistry procedures are long lasting and do not discolor or stain. In addition to whitening your smile, porcelain veneers and bonding can cover cracks, chips, and slight misalignments.
Teeth Whitening
If you have a chipped, slightly misaligned, or otherwise imperfect tooth that needs cosmetic restoration, we may suggest one-appointment bonding. The dentist can apply putty-like composite resin, shaded to blend with your tooth’s color, to rebuild a pleasing shape to your tooth. After hardening the resin with a curing light, the dentist will artistically sculpt and polish the restoration. In just one visit, you can enjoy a beautiful new smile!
Veneers beautify smiles by concealing stains, chips, gaps, and worn or misaligned teeth. Porcelain veneers and minimal prep veneers can transform flawed teeth into stunning smiles. Say goodbye to dental imperfections and hello to gorgeous teeth!
Custom veneers are ultra-thin, handcrafted porcelain shells created in a dental lab by skilled ceramic artists. They're permanently bonded to teeth and provide long-lasting beauty. Porcelain veneers look incredibly natural and resist stains. Design and placement of porcelain veneers takes about two visits, and some enamel reduction is required for optimal fit.
Porcelain Veneers
If you want to change your smile without the commitment of tooth reduction, consider minimal prep veneers. Able to change tooth shape, size, and color to create stunning smiles, minimal prep veneers require little to no alteration of tooth structure to apply. Minimal prep veneers are reversible, so our cosmetic dentists can remove them to return your original smile.
Minimal Prep Veneers
You have a big filling that needs replacement. Do you have to get a full crown? Not necessarily. A more conservative option, inlays and onlays fit into a tooth similar to a filling, yet they are milled restorations, much like a crown. The bumps on top of a tooth are called cusps. Inlays fit between cusps, while onlays fit over one or more cusps. Inlays and onlays allow a patient to retain more natural tooth structure, which is always best.
Not every situation is right for an inlay or onlay, but the dentist will assess your problem and determine the best solution for you. Because they are created in a lab like a crown, inlays and onlays require two appointments. At the first visit, we will prepare your tooth by removing your tooth decay or old filling and cleaning the area. We will take a dental impression and send it to our dental lab so that a technician can prefabricate a custom inlay or onlay for you. The dentist will determine the best material to use, but in most cases, teeth that show when you smile or speak can have a white restoration. Back teeth incur extreme pressure, so a metal inlay or onlay may be indicated. You'll wear a temporary until the lab delivers your final restoration.
At the second appointment, the dentist will remove the temporary and permanently cement your final inlay or onlay into position. After polishing and modifying the restoration as necessary to ensure proper bite alignment, you'll enjoy your stronger, healthier smile for years to come.
Inlays and Onlays
Forget everything you’ve heard about teeth straightening. Because now there’s breakthrough technology that delivers the smile you have always wanted without bands, brackets, or wires. By using a series of clear, removable aligners, Invisalign straightens your teeth right before your eyes. Change them about every 2 weeks and your teeth will move…little by little, week by week…until they have moved to the final position we desire. Comfortable to wear, aligners are also removable so you can eat, drink, brush, and floss as usual.
We are now certified to offer Invisalign orthodontic appliances. These “invisible” appliances are used to straighten teeth, close spaces, and correct imperfections in your smile. You can brush and floss normally, which can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease during treatment. Because the Aligners are removable, you do not have to worry about what you eat. Properly positioned teeth are easier to brush and floss than teeth that are crowded, crooked, or spaced too far apart.
Clear Braces
Cosmetic dentistry is everywhere – it's on the faces of many people you meet, though you may not know it. Your closest friends may have their teeth whitened or bonded. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, there were 2.69 million cosmetic dental patients in 2006. If you're considering cosmetic dental enhancements, you aren't alone!